LinkedIn secrets for BD Pros | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep.5

August 18, 2022
LinkedIn secrets for BD Pros | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep.5

What are some LinkedIn secrets for BD Pros? Lorena Rodriguez gives tips on how to use the platform for lead generation and content creation.


The majority of business development professionals today rely on virtual communication to complete their tasks. In fact, social platforms have altered the way business developers generate growth for their businesses.

Technology has bridged the gap between businesses and their customers. Not only does it help companies be known in the market, but also connects them with their customers.

Business developers can use social media platforms to generate brand awareness. But also offer their products and services and meet new business partners.

In the fifth episode of the Let’s Talk BD Podcast, we chat with Lorena Rodriguez, co-founder of Wish UP. Wish UP specializes in experimental content and brand positioning using LinkedIn.

Lorena provides insight into how you can use LinkedIn to generate leads for your business. Also, she offers tips on creating content that resonates with your audience.

LinkedIn secrets for BD Pros: Startup journey

Upon her return from the United States, what struck Lorena about Colombia is that that there was a great business spirit. She saw a positive attitude and interest from people. Especially towards business growth and sales. However, LinkedIn wasn’t as known as she had expected it to be. So, she started finding ways to make this change.

Her passion to find growth methodologies for businesses pushed her to start her own startup journey. Once she established Wish UP, she started reaching out to her first customers. Lorena is a strong advocate of using Linkedin for business development. In her words, it offers a “selling without selling” approach. By providing value first and being empathetic, you can gain customers and generate business growth.

In the first phases, her strategy didn’t involve paid ads. Instead, she focused on organic reach. She created webinars and content that she shared with her network to make her brand known.

Her current work entails creating LinkedIn communities for clients and content creation. The latter involves creating content on topics such as business intelligence, natural resources, and digital marketing, but not only. She mentions that automation has helped with her tasks but has also improved the lead-to-customer conversion process.

LinkedIn secrets for BD pros: Lead generation

One of the most advantageous characteristics of LinkedIn is that you can use it to generate leads. But, this depends on how well you can connect with your customer base. Lorena mentions that you have to create personalized interactions with your leads.

“If your first message is only to increase sales, people will most likely ignore your message.”

Lorena Rodriguez

First, ensure that you’re knowledgeable about what you do and what your customers want. Then, be willing to share that knowledge with others. In return, your customers can use it to make your brand a part of their lifestyle.

The BD School champions the idea that knowledge affects success in business development. Our mentors are always ready to share their expertise with current and aspiring business developers. This is how you can advance your career and improve your performance.

In addition, Lorena mentions that she generates leads by providing content rich in value. In turn, people contact her and ask for help or advice. For example, eBooks can be a great resource to turn them into customers.

In this case, it’s important to go through texts and messages customers send. This includes Whatsapp messages and emails. This helps you create relevant content for your target audience as you have more insight into their needs, problems, and expectations.

Episode 5: Relying on metrics

On many occasions, business developers spend time researching the best times to post on social media. This can be a great strategy to use in order to maximize reach. However, for Lorena, a different alternative has brought better results.

Instead of following online trends on what times to post during the day, she suggests consulting your own metrics. Then, schedule your posts based on that. Gathering information from LinkedIn metrics can be a great way to understand the behaviors of your audience. But also, to evaluate if your content is resonating with them.

In order to avoid your content from being ignored, it’s useful to have a buyer persona. A buyer persona not only helps you save time but also ensures that what you create falls in the right place.

Your audience wants to see content that they deem interesting, relevant, and inspiring. As Lorena mentions, sharing your content with those who don’t find it applicable in their work will only be ignored. Instead, try to create content that is relatable and distribute it to the right people.

More takeaways:

  • Writing content that converts
  • Using purpose to make your business successful
  • The impact of storytelling

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