Lead Generation in Business Development | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep. 2

April 11, 2022
Lead Generation in Business Development | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep. 2

Find out how to do lead generation in business development. Learn techniques Ron Dukker uses in the second episode of the Let’s Talk BD Podcast.


Lead generation is one of the most important business development activities. It’s a process that takes time, commitment, and perseverance.

It can be a stressful task to undertake. The process itself isn’t very difficult. But, there are many challenges you’ll face when generating leads.

For example, your competitors might have already contacted your leads. So, it can often be challenging to find leads that turn into loyal customers.

As a business developer, there are many ways you can find leads.

For example, you can use social media platforms or cold email. Or you can get more creative and use dating apps as Martina did.

On this episode of Let’s Talk BD Podcast, we interviewed Ron Dukker founder of Conversion Crew and expert in lead generation to share some tips with you.

Before moving on, if you're struggling with lead generation, check out our business development course.

Lead generation is a key topic of the training and we can help you find the perfect system for your company.

Episode 2: Passion for lead generation

Before we dive into lead generation, Ron suggests you should first assess your clients’ needs. So, the first thing to do is to conduct customer research.

Once you collect data, you have a clearer picture of who your target audience is. This is an important step as it helps create an ideal customer profile.

So, for example, it’s useful to find out their age and what kind of people they are. Understanding a little bit more about your audience can help you find more high-quality leads.

Then, figure out what they need and what they want. This data can be helpful when it comes to the lead generation process.

At Conversion Crew, they use personas. So, a tip is to have persona-type thinking. Once you gather data and have a built persona, you can start contacting people.

Lead generation in business development: Techniques

You can use many strategies for lead generation and Ron shared tips in particular related to inbound lead generation.

Inbound lead generation helps you attract the right audience without the need for cold outreach.

In order to generate inbound leads, you need to focus on creating great content. Your content should relate to the needs, wants, and challenges of your audience.

The more you know about your audience, the easier it will be to create content that resonates with them.

Once you create content, you need to distribute it on the right channels where your audience likes to get information.

For example, if you work in the B2B space you can use LinkedIn as a platform to share your content.

You should post frequently on the platform and interact with users who comment, share, or like your posts.

In this way, you will be perceived as knowledgeable in your field and you will gain trust. This trust will help your audience choose your solution when they will need it.

We teach you how to use LinkedIn for lead generation in our 5-week course. If you need some help with that, check out the program.

Another cool way to do lead generation in business development is using customer referrals.

If your customers are happy with your service, they will be more likely to recommend it to others. This is a very cost-effective way to generate leads because it relies on the trust you build with your current customers.

Last, the biggest lead generation source is word of mouth. But it’s of course also the most difficult because you don’t have control over it.

Therefore, you should focus on great customer service and building good relationships with your customers.

More takeaways

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