Business development for mobile apps | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep. 9

August 29, 2022
Business development for mobile apps | Let's Talk BD Podcast Ep. 9

What is business development for mobile apps? Quirine, co-founder of Dearly talks about how she grew her app and shares tips for success.For the majority of us, our mornings start by checking our phones. We open our favorite apps and scroll down an endless list of news, updates, captions, and opinions. Some people use them to be in touch with the world. Others out of curiosity, or as a result of habit.But often, when we need support the most, we can’t find the right online resources. Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult life experiences. However, many people don’t have access to the support they need during these times.That’s when apps likeDearlycould be very handy. Dearly is an app that helps people go through the grieving process by providing mental health support.In the ninth episode of the Let’s Talk BD Podcast, we have a chat with Dearly’s co-founder Quirine Wissink and the very first student of The BD School.Quirine talks about what’s it like to be a startup founder, how to be more productive, and tips to start your own mobile app!

Challenges as a startup founder

Building a startup from the ground up is challenging. Passion and commitment are important. But, there are other things to consider in order to make your idea a success. As Quirine mentions, in the beginning, every activity falls under the responsibility of the founder. Things can get stressful and growth takes time. Luckily, Quirine has a business partner to split the work with.Recently, the team behind her company has been working tirelessly to develop a paid-subscription model. The main focus is on gaining traction, which is one of the most challenging aspects of growing a startup. But, to also create more content in the app. The goal is to have more information published online and greater access by the general public.Other challenges she’s faced during her entrepreneurial journey are finding investors andgenerating revenue. In fact, this is an issue most young entrepreneurs face. In the beginning stages, they don’t have enough resources such as funds, talent, or partnerships to scale their businesses. And it can take time to have an investor step in.Despite countless hours of work and obstacles, this isn’t the full picture of a startup founder. There’s always time for celebration. For Quirine, her biggest success is the feeling of satisfaction she gets from giving support to people who need it and choose to use the Dearly app. Learning how tomaintain productivityhas been essential to her startup’s success.

Business development for mobile apps: Productivity

I’m sure you’ve come across business enthusiasts and founders who are advocates of the idea that hard work brings results. And others who believe that work-life balance is key to growth. In my opinion, we’re all trying to find the ideal path to success. But, in reality, it often comes down to an individual basis.For Quirine, taking action is the best strategy to use to get positive results. As she mentions, it’s essential to “break down your priorities and goals”. What this refers to is identifying your goals for the upcoming month, six months, or the whole year. Then,define their priority. But also, ensure that there are clear expectations from the beginning.Time management also plays a central role. Quirine improves her workflow by setting time blocks. So, she creates a to-do list with specific tasks. Interestingly, she also includes motivational speeches on her list to empower her for daily work. Digital apps are also an important part of her routine. She countsForestandAsanaas two apps that help her stay productive.Quirine also avoids using her phone and checking notifications during work times in order to maintain focus and avoid getting distracted. She uses her one-hour lunch break to relax from work. But also, she spends time watching Netflix or YouTube videos, and allocates time for reading.

Business development for mobile apps: Start your own app

Clearly, growing your business isn’t an easy path. But, taking a risk and launching your own app can be an exciting and rewarding adventure!In an ideal scenario, you get to connect with a specific audience, have your own website, make a profit, and eventually travel the world. But, of course, success isn’t guaranteed. However,learning from experienced professionalscan help you grow your business.There are countless apps you can download online today. Each one promises to fix your problems for a fee. But, not all of them deliver what they promise. If you want your app to go in a different direction and create real value, don’t create an app for the sake of it.Quirine advisesknowing the ‘why’ of your businessand what it stands for. She mentions:

“Go out there and talk to people. Solve a problem.”Quirine Wissink

Imagine creating a space for others who seek information or guidance for a particular situation. They will turn to your business for advice. They will follow your lead and spend their hard-earned money to have what you provide. So, if you decide to create an app, think about your audience first.Want to launch the next mobile app that everyone will be talking about?Then, join ourpersonalized learning platformtoday and learn how to make your app a business success!

What is business development for mobile apps? Quirine, co-founder of Dearly, talks about how she grew her app and shares tips for success.

For the majority of us, our mornings start by checking our phones. We open our favorite apps and scroll down an endless list of news, updates, captions, and opinions. Some people use them to be in touch with the world. Others out of curiosity, or as a result of habit.

But often, when we need support the most, we can’t find the right online resources. Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult life experiences. However, many people don’t have access to the support they need during these times.

That’s when apps like Dearly could be very handy. Dearly is an app that helps people go through the grieving process by providing mental health support.

In the ninth episode of the Let’s Talk BD Podcast, we have a chat with Dearly’s co-founder Quirine Wissink and the very first student of The BD School.

Quirine talks about what’s it like to be a startup founder, how to be more productive, and tips to start your own mobile app!

Challenges as a startup founder

Building a startup from the ground up is challenging. Passion and commitment are important. But, there are other things to consider in order to make your idea a success. As Quirine mentions, in the beginning, every activity falls under the responsibility of the founder. Things can get stressful and growth takes time. Luckily, Quirine has a business partner to split the work with.

Recently, the team behind her company has been working tirelessly to develop a paid-subscription model. The main focus is on gaining traction, which is one of the most challenging aspects of growing a startup. But, to also create more content in the app. The goal is to have more information published online and greater access by the general public.

Other challenges she’s faced during her entrepreneurial journey are finding investors and generating revenue. In fact, this is an issue most young entrepreneurs face. In the beginning stages, they don’t have enough resources such as funds, talent, or partnerships to scale their businesses. And it can take time to have an investor step in.

Despite countless hours of work and obstacles, this isn’t the full picture of a startup founder. There’s always time for celebration. For Quirine, her biggest success is the feeling of satisfaction she gets from giving support to people who need it and choose to use the Dearly app. Learning how to maintain productivity has been essential to her startup’s success.

Business development for mobile apps: Productivity

I’m sure you’ve come across business enthusiasts and founders who are advocates of the idea that hard work brings results. And others who believe that work-life balance is key to growth. In my opinion, we’re all trying to find the ideal path to success. But, in reality, it often comes down to an individual basis.

For Quirine, taking action is the best strategy to use to get positive results. As she mentions, it’s essential to “break down your priorities and goals”. What this refers to is identifying your goals for the upcoming month, six months, or the whole year. Then, define their priority. But also, ensure that there are clear expectations from the beginning.

Time management also plays a central role. Quirine improves her workflow by setting time blocks. So, she creates a to-do list with specific tasks. Interestingly, she also includes motivational speeches on her list to empower her for daily work. Digital apps are also an important part of her routine. She counts Forest and Asana as two apps that help her stay productive.

Quirine also avoids using her phone and checking notifications during work times in order to maintain focus and avoid getting distracted. She uses her one-hour lunch break to relax from work. But also, she spends time watching Netflix or YouTube videos, and allocates time for reading.

Business development for mobile apps: Start your own app

Clearly, growing your business isn’t an easy path. But, taking a risk and launching your own app can be an exciting and rewarding adventure!

In an ideal scenario, you get to connect with a specific audience, have your own website, make a profit, and eventually travel the world. But, of course, success isn’t guaranteed. However, learning from experienced professionals can help you grow your business.

There are countless apps you can download online today. Each one promises to fix your problems for a fee. But, not all of them deliver what they promise. If you want your app to go in a different direction and create real value, don’t create an app for the sake of it.

Quirine advises knowing the ‘why’ of your business and what it stands for. She mentions:

“Go out there and talk to people. Solve a problem.”

Quirine Wissink

Imagine creating a space for others who seek information or guidance for a particular situation. They will turn to your business for advice. They will follow your lead and spend their hard-earned money to have what you provide. So, if you decide to create an app, think about your audience first.

Want to launch the next mobile app that everyone will be talking about?

Then, join our personalized learning platform today and learn how to make your app a business success!

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